Manresa 2022 Commemorative programme 2022 See all

Manresa International Cup

The Manresa International Cup is a series of sporting events and tournaments aimed at young people between the ages of 15 and 19 years old from various disciplines, sports clubs and Jesuit educational institutes from overseas. Currently, there are more than half-a-million students studying at such educational centres around the world.

The schedule for the Manresa International Cup, which is due to take place between the summer of 2022 and the summer of 2023, will include football, baseball, basketball, rugby and wrestling competitions involving teams from Catalonia, Spain and abroad. Students from various American schools, both Jesuit and non-religious, have been visiting Manresa since 2016 and participating in a wide range of sporting and cultural activities. Recently, for example, a group was taught about the city’s Ignatian heritage by Varsity Sports & Educational Tours, who organise the Manresa International Cup.


placeAddress: El Congost Sport Area
callPhone: +34 93 878 40 90
From 11th to 12th June 2022