The Ignatian Way Gastronomy Days
The Gastronomy Days seek to promote the values of the Ignatian Way through the medium of food, land and cuisine. This is achieved through a wide range of activities: some of which are available to all, while others are geared towards a more professional audience. The Gastronomy Days represent a meeting point between local farmers and chefs which serves to promote local produce to restaurateurs.
Gastronomy days 2022 Photo Gallery
The Ignatian Way Gastronomy Days are an initiative of the Ajuntament de Manresa, included in Manresa 2022 project. Organized by Fundació Turisme i Fires de Manresa and Pep Palau, Von Arend i Associats, and the collaboration of La Rioja Turismo, el Gremi d’Hoteleria i Turisme del Bages and Parc de la Sèquia.